Wednesday, August 27, 2008

105 Years

This weekend is the big 105th Harley-Davidson Anniversary celebration in Milwaukee. In tribute to that, the Peanut took his own 'chopper' out for a spin this morning...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Great Grandpa K

The Peanut's great-grandpa is in the hospital today having surgery to treat esophageal cancer. We just want him to know that our prayers are with him today and "We love you gramps!"

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Feel the Love

In my shallow excitement over adding our 'Things We're Nuts About' section, I completely overlooked the 'people' we're nuts about! Which of course are WAY more important :) So you can now find all the people we're nuts about (who choose to give up time in their busy week to blog anyway) listed on the left side of our page.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Things We're Nuts About

I've tried a couple new products out recently, thanks to one of the Peanut's daddy's customers. I LOVE them! So, it inspired me to add a new column to our blog cleverly titled, 'Things We're Nuts About'. My first great finds are hair products, if this doesn't pique your interest, check back, I'm sure we'll have a more diverse list in no time!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Quality Time

So I had a work event this weekend that wasn't too far from home. As I was getting ready to leave last night, the Peanut asked if he could come and hang out at the hotel with me this time. After some pleading with daddy and batting those long, unrefusable eye lashes we consented. Basically we had a 2 1/2 hour road trip, then they swam in the hotel pool while I did some planning for my event by myself in the room. Then this morning I woke up early, worked a great event with over 50 soldiers, no breaks. While I worked, my family swam in the hotel pool again and visited some local small town attractions. By the time we got home and settled back in I was really looking forward to finally spending some time with my family. This is how I found them...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Look Out Little Miss Muffet

The Peanut just finished his Jumpstart to K4 program he took through the rec department this summer. It was basically a 2 week intro to what he would experience in Junior Kindergarten this fall. He LOVED going to school and seeing all his newly acquired friends each day. He made this spider headband on one of his last days. I tried to pack it away with all of his other glue and paper creations from class but he wouldn't have it. He found it to be just what he needed when sitting on the front step and saying 'RAWR' to any innocent person walking past our front door.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

School Supplies

The time is quickly approaching when the Peanut will finally be starting school. I say finally not out of my own relief about a mandatory 2 1/2 hour break each week day for me, but because the Peanut has been begging to go for two years now. Ever since he saw the shiny yellow school bus drive by our house one wintry morning filled with red cheeked children weighted down by giant backpacks, he's wanted nothing more than to be counted among their ranks. It was the driving force behind our potty training success.

"Peanut, you can't go to school in diapers. It's not allowed. You have to go pee-pee & poo-poo on the potty."

It resulted in several sits on the toilet throughout the day even if the results of the labor were fruitless just so he could call out, "I'm sitting on the potty! I can go to school now!"

Well, with the new school year upon us I responsibly planned ahead by figuring in some extra money for school supplies into our monthly budget. I naively figured $15 should be plenty for Junior Kindergarten and dutifully entered the amount into the school supply column.

This week I visited our school district's website and printed off the list for the Peanut's K4 class. My immediate thought was.... "What the.. ?" After the initial shock wore off I headed out to our trusty WalMart and began ticking off the items on the list as the Peanut lobbed them into the cart. Helpful as always. Needless to say, after I track down the elusive $6 gel markers the list will be complete. Grand total: $31.10. The Peanut was highly disappointed when at the climax of the shopping trip (picking out a backpack) he was told that Speed Racer was not in the budget. Wait until I tell daddy that thanks to Lincoln Elementary, toilet paper isn't either.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Bicycle Built For Two

The Peanut loves to go on bike rides. Thanks to a hand me down from his cousins, he no longer has to sit crouched up in the too small bike trailer that his daddy used to pull him around in. We thought he should have to do a little work of his own now that he's a big boy. The kicker... he's kind of hesitant to pedal, he seems nervous about the action of it, but jumping off the bike while still in motion giving anyone riding behind him a heart attack... not a problem.