Sunday, July 13, 2008


This is the Peanut stuffing his face full of sticky, sweet Honey Puffs at Greek Fest...

This is a random guy sporting what the Peanut's daddy describes as the world's longest Mullet, 'business in the front and party in the back' (he was so impressed he had to get a pic)...

This was the safer looking of the carnival death traps that we reluctantly agreed to let the Peanut ride after many minutes of tears and pleading. After proudly handing the carny his ticket and finally getting on the ride that he just HAD to have a turn on, he spent the whole 60 seconds of the $3 adventure yelling, "Get me outta here!"...

This is the Peanut and his daddy, safely reunited and all smiles once again. It's so great to be 4!

1 comment:

Ms. Kneisly said...

You're not going to believe it but your bishop just moved into our ward here in the harbor. We had them over the other night and they are so nice.